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The Gardener Shoppe's Blog

Read all about gardening and keeping your lawn beautiful 

Blog posts

  • 07/10/2019 - Ana Smith 0 Comments
    Design Tips for a Visually Appealing Landscape

    Whether you're a beginner or a skilled gardener, we've put together some insider design tips to help you easily create your very own visually interesting and exciting garden.

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  • 07/10/2019 - Ana Smith 0 Comments
    How to Remove Plants that Outgrow Gardens

    We're are often confronted with the problem of what to do when a plant outgrows our garden. To ensure this process runs as smoothly as possible, we've put together a simple guide on how to transplant or remove these plants.

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  • 07/10/2019 - Jens Hansen 0 Comments
    5 Tips to Prepare Your Lawn for Winter

    With winter quickly approaching, we've put together a list of five tips and tricks on how to prepare your commercial garden and lawn for the tough weather ahead.

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Gardening basics
Wildlife in my garden
Organic alternatives
How to avoid insects
Plant diseases
Vegetable gardening