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How to Remove Plants that Outgrow Gardens

We're are often confronted with the problem of what to do when a plant outgrows our garden. To ensure this process runs as smoothly as possible, we've put together a simple guide on how to transplant or remove these plants.

As we often see, plants can become too big or need to be removed or transplanted because of illness or weather damage. That is why it is important to follow these 3 steps to ensure these plants are safely removed from your garden.

1. When removing or transplanting plants, it is important to first consider any other plants surrounding that plant.

2. In order to remove existing plants, you should cut a circle around the crown of the plant with a sharp spade and pry the roots up and out. Carefully put the plants on a tarp and ensure they're not in the sun. 

2. There should be a clear place for the transplanted with compost and fertilizer so the plants can happily live.

3. Cleanup the plant by removing weeds and other debris from the plants. Next, you should divide the roots. Now it's time to replant and water thoroughly. 


For more information about plant removal, email us at info@thegardener.com.


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