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Design Tips for a Visually Appealing Landscape

Whether you're a beginner or a skilled gardener, we've put together some insider design tips to help you easily create your very own visually interesting and exciting garden.

It can be extremely overwhelming to think about all you can do with garden design - but it doesn't have to be! We're letting you in on our most effective gardening secrets for a unique garden.

  • Introduce a playful curve - by curving your bushes or shrubs, you can create more playful lines that the eye will follow.
  • Utilize both the foreground and background - create depth to your garden design by adding colorful plants in the foreground and green grass with shrubs in the background.
  • Create the illusion of a bigger garden- add some stones or gravel to a path that is lush and full of greenery to create the illusion that the garden extends further.

For more information about garden designs, email us at info@thegardener.com.


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